01. Name of Organization

Save the Children

02. a) Year in Establishment

b) Year in Starting in Meherpur

a) Establishment year: 1919, Started in Bangladesh: 1972

b) Starting year in Meherpur: 2007

03. a) Name of CEO & Designation

Mark Taylor Pierce

Country Director, Bangladesh Country Office

03. b) Contact Person & Designation (Within the Meherpur Distract)

Md. Farooque Hossain

Senior Manager-Meherpur Project Office

Save the Children

04. a) Address of Head Office

House # CWN (A) 35, Road # 43, Gulshan-2, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh

04. b) Address of Meherpur Office

College Road, Mallikpara, Meherpur-7100

05. Telephone/Land Phone

0791-63123, 63124

06. Mobile/Cell


07. E-mail

08. Website

09. Registration no with Reg. Authority

Reg # 2630, 20.03.2011

NGO Affairs Bureau

10. Vision


Our vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

11. Mission

Our mission is to inspire breakthrough in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

12. Objective

Goal of the Program in Meherpur:

‘‘Children in Meherpur learn and develop to their full potential’’

13. Ongoing Program in Meherpur      District

·    Integrated Child Development Program:

1.       Early Childhood Care and Stimulation Program:

–           Early stimulation messages and counseling support to mothers at community clinics, training to the government service providers etc.

2.       Early Childhood Care & Development Program:

–           School / Community-based pre-primary education, capacity building provision for community teachers, volunteers, SMCs, KG school teachers and parents, Emergent Literacy and Math (ELM) parenting education for parents, Child reception for Grade-1 children, Graduation ceremony etc.

3.       Basic Education Program:

–           Teacher training, Literacy Boost, SMC capacity building, Creating Child Friendly School environment, Reading Buddy and Mentoring etc.

–           ICT in Education: -Teachers’ training to employ ICTs in developing subject based content, improving teaching and learning by developing interactive audio/visual software based on national textbooks in the subject of English, created transparent and efficient data management system on students, teachers and schools through a web-based e-Primary system, Strengthening school performance monitoring through a web-based e-Monitoring system school monitoring etc.

4.       School Health and Nutrition Program:

–           School-based health & nutrition services (deworming, iron supplementation, primary vision screening by teachers, First-Aid management by teachers etc.),

–           Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene/WASH: construct new toilet, repair damaged existing toilets, arsenic testing and marking of tube-well/water-sources, installing deep-tube-well, classroom-based health education sessions conducted by teachers at schools, Install Water Treatment Plants in villages where water-sources contaminated with Arsenic

5.       Adolescent Development Program:

–           Community based peer education, Adolescent Center, Promotion of Menstruation Hygiene Management (MHM) at Secondary School, income skills development, facilitation of adolescent/youth-friendly health services, awareness raising against early marriage etc.

6.       Child Protection Program:

–           Positive discipline in schools, creating safer school environment, child protection at community and local government- Birth registration, awareness raising against early marriage etc.

7.       Policy Rights and Governance Program:

–           Child Rights situation monitoring by NCTF Members, Capacity building and knowledge management, dialogues/public hearing sessions, Advocacy and networking with stakeholders, Documentation of best practices.

8.       Community Mobilization:

–           Capacity building of communities / community core groups,

14. Source of Fund

1.       Sponsorship Private Fund,

2.       GFATM

15. Regular Staff

Total staff: 68 Male: 49           Female:18

16. Working Area in Meherpur District & Upazila

All Union of three upazila in Meherpur District. Direct implementation by Save the Children in Meherpur Sadar upazila and other two upazilas are implemented by PSKS, (Partner organization)

@ Meherpur NGO Samity